Wednesday, 27 October 2010

unit 1 casestudy

Name: Lock Keepers Graduate Centre, by Surface Architects                      
Status:complete April 2005
Consultants:Quantity Surveyor: Trinick Turner
                 Structural Engineer:  Mitchell Hort

This Statement has kindly been provided by Surface Architects:
In this Statement it is clear to read the original specifictation to the project. As well as out lining the main purpose for which the renovation is to provide.

Location: Lock Keepers Graduate Center, Queen Mary's University, london, Mile End

Some 200 years after the original Georgian Lock Keepers house was built, the surrounding 21st century structures had made the modest building seem out of date and out of place. The ambition for both the client, Queen Mary University, and the Architects was to make the building a usable asset to the University's premises. Tranfering a 21st century research centre into a Georgian construction opposed many problems. The clever solution to this was to demolish the existing pump house and in its place build a modern extention.

Reverting back to 200 year old constrcution methods seemed ridiculous. Instead a totally contrasting extension that would wrap around the existing structure. Yet allowing seemless movement between the two plains. Materials and colour combined make the new north extension contrast the old but at the same time compliment each other.

Here we are able to see the contrast against the original Georgian design and the contemporary extension. The architect extended the victorian building to juxtapose old and new. Rapping a contemporary shell around the Georgian design. In this image it is clear how the materials present, are so very different. However the subtle weathing of the timber cladding suggests a simular maturity to the Victorian brick work.

The reasoning behind the development to a contemporary extension, lies behind the idea to open up the physical and visual connection between the canal and the campus. A strong identity, to the building, acts as a focal point in the campus.  

''Every time we advertise Queen Mary university the building-Lock Keepers comes up visually, like this is the statement of the university, and every time we have open house, that building is on the list. So, this architecture icon you can say, even colleague shows to the public.'' 
This conversation was recorded in an interview with the  
Architectural Assistant of Queen Mary University.

The Ground flood plan of "Lock Keepers" from architects.

The Angular geometric shapes that build up the outer surface, also continue into the main entrance to the centre. The new extension is so different in so many ways to the original Georgian house. No one item is the same, each window is manufactured to a specicle size and shape. Compare this to the Victorian sash window; an iconic design seen around the whole of the British Isles. The bridge and staircase element formed like a sculpture. Following the sharp angles made by the jutting exterior. Every element of the interior is just as considered as the exterior.

The first floor plan of "lock Keepers" from architects.

The first floor of this extension enables the whole building to be linked into an open plan space. This is well suited to the large
group discussions that are an important part of the Universities research. The open glazing ensures that there is
no visual barrier between the research students and the public surround the Lock. The large glazed unit invite the public to observe and appreciate the purpose of the centre.  

Situated in an area of beauty the design had to be well considered as it would be resieved by a large number of people. Surrounded by public space, the Lock Keepers Graduate Centre is as much a part of the public space as it is a University building.

The ground floor of the building is refurbished to accommodate a workroom and new toilet facilities. 
The redevelopment was as much about opening up the building in terms of access as well as encouraging learning. An easily accessible front door and single level interior has enable the structure to comply with modern building regualtions. This means that disabled access no longer restricts students from studying.

The poof plan of "lock keepers" from architect.

In this techniquical drawing the balanced proportions between the two constructions are make apparent. Although from the main entrance to the building the modern extension is given dominance. As you lead yourself around the building the original Georgian design is not lost. While renovating the new development the architects were keen to ensure that the original Victorian character and features were not lost, but instead preserved.

Again Provided to us by the Architect's themselves this 3D simulation shows how the initial design of the north extension was to interact with the surrounding public space.


This cross-sectional drawing has been used to examine the contrast against the original Georgian building techniques and the aluminium clad outer shell. The clean join between old and new is one of the successes of this build.

Sections and elevations from architects.

Below we have a visual representation of the Materials we have itentified accross the entire structure.

Using this sketch enables the two contrasting construction methods to be identified. The original Geogian Lock Keepers House used a princible of construction, familia to many buildings of that erea. Upon arrival of a architectural design, it was mainly size that was used to symbolize power and wealth. The original design for the Lock Keepers House was moderate.Perpusful and practical.

Contrast the original structure against that of the work by Surface Architects. The brightly coloured renders and striking angular dimentions make the building dominant.

Instinctive projection of a particular basilar structure. In these sketches the mood and reaction to the building have been captured. Interpreted through line and tone.

This is a design sheet that has been provided by Surface Architects. The diagram works well in explaing the construction and materiallity of the build. While at the same time showing the thought processes of the Architect. Surface Architects were keen to ensure the existing building was improved both it terms of its accessibility and its ecological impact. State of the art modern prinsibles were emloyed throughtout the renovation. Helping to bring the building up to modern thermal standards.
This second structural sketch shows how the construction and its components sync and attach on the ground. There have been some subsequent structural changes, but the new component is linked to the old one, this leads to a base modification.

At an initial stage, in this sketch we can see materiality highlighted. Showing superficially a layer of sealed double grated units that lay on a laminated inner structure.

The dominance of the West facade of the building pronounces a 
strong statcha. Vivid colours and over powering geometric angles make this side of the building bold. In all directions this building is as much a focus and celebration of the exterior as it is the interior. The strong structural shapes continue into the entrance. Making for a purposful entering into the building.

The Eastern angle of the building however is a more subtle ingress into the surrounding enviroment. Dominated by the original Georgian house, you would be forgiven for just not seeing the structure. Against a continous line of Victorian clay brick.

One of the biggest successes to this building is the interaction of the new extension with the original design, as well as the surrounding area. The architect has not tried to hide the fact that the new extension and renovation to the build is radically different. It would be easy for a restoration of the original Georgian House to be over looked. In a sorrounding area that soars many stories high. The victorian character has not been lost.

In fact the combined structure sits very low in profile. Restrictedly by the orginal Georgian design. The lack of height has meant that practicly all of the structure can either be touched or closely examined. Unlike a multistory structure the material used to construct the exterior of the building must not only look good but rentain a
tactile surface. I am pleased to say this structure has pulled off this element.The hand can flow smoothly over the cold glass and aluminium. While coming to an abrupt hult hitting the ruts found on the cider cladding.

The contrast against the rustic irregularity of the timber panels are sharply compared to by the smooth faultless texture of the glazed units.
Although the new extension largely protects and does not obtrude into the original design. In places the historic building has been adapted. To ensure the two very different constructions interacted with one another. The connecting edge weaves into one another. There is no clear edge between old and new. Instead adopting, more of a puzzle like shape, an angular series of steps.

The change between old and new has meant that some of the rooms share no boundaries. Open plan interior has made the building a very much more usible space. Compared with the small cubboard like rooms commonly found in Victorian houses.

Opaque reflection of the light on superficial layer.

Personal temperate sensation of areal view in black to white.

In this plan resieved from the Architect's the Lock Keepers Graduate centre can be seen and appriated in relation to the surrounding enviroment. Behind the Canal Lock there is a large green space provided. This has been replicated and transfered into the centre of the Universities campus. Vier and selection of silver birch trees and turf.

It is immediate to see the success of the integration between the Graduate Centre and the surrounding green space. The building is entially rapped by public space, yet there is still a certain degree of privicy. This enables a good working enviroment to be maintained for the students. The space is green and fresh. This is a good consideration for the students studying at this building. The large windows not only enable the building to interact with passers by. But also enable the students to enjoy natural light and fantastic green views.
There is a really positive attmosphere around the University premises. Both students and the public share a space. Yet there is no confliction between parties. There is a sense of maturatity to the area. consideration and quiet to suit all parties. There is a sense of enjoyment between the students, something instantly recognizable. But difficult to simulate.

The unique enviroment attracts people who are living at Mile End and come to spend time in the public space. This is down to the successful design. It was so crucial to succeed in the appirance of the building. The surround space has been redeveloped into and new and fresh platform. While appreciating the original industrial past. It is experienced by so many different parties, as well as the University staff and students.

Interview with Surface Architects:
      25th Of November, 3:00 p.m Meeting with the Architect at Surface Architects.

 Design Models:
Initial Models made out of carton show the experimentation with Shapes and Modular Layouts.

As they were modeling, materiality and shape wise ideas went along with the manipulation process.
Last two models at an initial stage

A semi-final model shows the development of both Shape and colour decisions. The idea of applying blue on the northern facade of the building comes from the concept of unifying the already existing prospective-based pavement. By applying a recycled-glass layer party located on the pavement there's a voluntary connection to the  blue shape on the facade which highlights dynamically the contrasting clash between the old and the new building, even though there is no historical link whatsoever.

The combination of wood on the lower side of the new extension was thought to lower the already existing clash of both buildings fused together. Appliances of PSP and aluminum are almost persistent in most of the superficial layers of the building.
Studies of shape come generally from a Geometric based theory which follows almost analytically two points of origin to be then joined together by a summit.
All models are the property of Surface Architects.

This graphic illustration combining varying scales and plans works well. Dominated by line and shapes, the image demonstrates the sharp angular lines combined with vivid colours. That make the build to unique.

Images kindly provided by Surface Architects:


These series of technical plans, were provided by the Architectural team responsible for the build. In these plans the extension is considered in relation to its enviroment. There are also opportunities to view precised and interesting details to which the building was constructed to. It is a rare opportunity to have the privilage to see the inner workings of such a prolific build.